Village of Hope
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Village of Hope

Health Clinic
Our medical Centre host's our annual medical mission's. Since inception we have reached over 50,000 person with regards provision of free healthcare services at absolutely no cost.

Our pharmacy maintains an inventory of medication needed for administration during and after our medical missions at no cost to residents and members of the community.

Diagnostic Centre
The diagnostic center when completed will be used for tests and procedures to diagnose various medical conditions and illnesses it will also be used for research purposes.

Guest House
Our Guest House currently accommodates Missionaries and volunteers, patients and their families waiting for lab results, medical professionals and women waiting to give birth.

Community Centre
Our community center when completed will be utilized for townhall meetings and communal activities which might be recreational, educational or leisurely.

The Morgue when completed will serve as storage for human corpses awaiting identification, autopsy, burial, cremation or other methods of disposal.

Tele - Medicine
Mercy International Mission has service contracts of engagements with telemedicine company to provide services in various countries in Africa and the U.S as well, it is our strong belief that addition of tele health will expand our reach, however availability of good internet connection in some parts of Africa has been our biggest challenge in achieving the desired milestone but overall progress has been made on so many fronts.
Mercy International Mission
Village of Hope
The village of hope is a multi-staged project focused on providing care and community services to the people of Osi-Ekiti and its environs. The Village of Hopes construction began in 2016 which is to include a Health Clinic, Diagnostic Center, Pharmacy, Guest house, Community center and will also house the mobile vans.